

i fucking hate my sister, most of my aunts and just fucking women in general. the fucking piss me off with all their retarded needs and wants. they dont know how to fucking shut UP!!!!!!!!! i also fucking hate the people at my school, but i guess that doesnt really matter anymore. they were all two faced retards who dont care about anything but themselves.. i cant really say much but its annoying when its other fucking people. i fucking hate retarded people, and old people, they are utterly useless, they dont do ANYTHING, their like fucking babies that just shit themselves and people pity them, its fucking sad. i also fucking jhate those women who obsess over murderers or whatnot. theyd fucking HATE YOU. women are so fucking stupid. i also fucking hate people in relationships, ones who never shut up about it. its so fucking retarded, they piss me off so fucking bad i want them all dead. i also hate eating, its so stupid. makes me feel sick whenever i eat, i just end up throwing up anyway (NOT in a edtwt girl way.) humans need such retarded things to live, itd be better if we ddint have to eat to survive. i also hate when im outside and some fucking old man comes up to me with some jesus pamphlet... i mean, i dont know anything about jesus, and i honestly dont care. even if he is real, ill end up killing myself one day so ill go to hell anyway. people whos only seen duck, and know nothing else from/by or about william hellfire and joey smack, and act like they are fans. fucking losers, they dont like william like i do, i have a bunch of factory 2000 dvds, i collect dvds so. i fucing hate my mom and my family, but mostly that druggy bitch that i cant even call a mother. my dads a sensitive undiagnosed retard, who gets upset at anything i fucking do. i also fucking HATE new fans of stuff I LIKE. they are all fucking annoying and ruin everything... music, games, youtubers, ALL OF IT.

adding more when i have the time